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What to Look for When Visiting a Childcare Center or Preschool

What to Look for When Visiting a Childcare Center or Preschool

Visiting an early childhood center is crucial to knowing if it is up to par for your child. When visiting, consider the cleanliness, organization, and safeness of the facility, the appropriateness of the toys and materials, the interactions between staff and children, and the involvement of families. Learn more!

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Every day is an opportunity to build reading skills in your child. Sign up for free text alerts from Ready4K on small changes that could make a big impact!

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Preparing for and Applying to College

Preparing for and Applying to College

It may feel like you just got to high school, but if you are thinking about attending college, it is best to start preparing for that next best step as soon as possible. Learn about what to consider before you apply.

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Participating in Your School Community

Participating in Your School Community

The key to a functioning school is more than just the principals, teachers, and students. Parents and caregivers also serve a role in making schools safe, positive learning environments for students. Learn how to be involved in your school community here.

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