GreatPhillySchools school profiles include an Overall rating, as well as ratings in Math, Reading, Science, School Incidents, and Attendance. High schools also receive a rating called College Bound. The ratings provide a snapshot of school performance in each category by comparing the school’s outcomes to other schools serving similar grade levels. Some school profiles also include a High Academic Growth Indicator.
What Does this Mean?
Schools with High Academic Growth Indicators have demonstrated impressive academic growth over a three year period in both math and reading, as measured by the Pennsylvania Value Added Assessment System (PVAAS). The High Academic Growth Indicator will appear as an upward green arrow on our website. The green arrow will also appear in our high school and/or elementary and middle school print guides.
Our intention is to highlight Philadelphia schools that have shown significant academic improvement.
Schools With High Academic Growth Indicators
The schools listed below have demonstrated High Academic Growth in both math and reading as reported by the PVAAS.
Important Note are not considered ratings, and are not factored into a school’s Overall rating.
Private, and Catholic schools do not receive PVAAS reports, therefore, they are ineligible for High Academic Growth Indicators.
To learn how High Academic Growth Indicators and our Overall ratings are calculated, read more about our methodology.